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Helping the Community: Seed Potatoes for The Autism Society's Bridges to Hope garden

Helping the Community: Seed Potatoes for The Autism Society's Bridges to Hope garden

We love supporting local charities who aim to improve food security in our province, especially for those less fortunate. When we were approached by the Autism Society of Newfoundland and Labrador to assist with their Bridges to Hope food garden, we gladly donated the seed potatoes to start them off. 

With the help of the patrons and volunteers of the Elaine Dobbin Centre, over 110lbs of potatoes were harvested this fall and given to a local food bank, who are always looking for healthy, local produce to distribute. Not only did this project help those in need of good food, it was also a valuable experience for the autistic children and youth who helped out in the garden, developing their teamwork and social skills while being outdoors and interacting with nature.

You can read more about the story here:

Here's an audio CBC NL story on the garden. If you have 5 minutes, it's worth the listen:

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